Their scientific name for the cats that live with us is Felis catus.
Felines have fascinated humans for thousands of years. They were already venerated by the ancient Egyptians who dedicated great sphinxes, statues and jewelry decorated with their figure because they considered them protective, loyal and loving but at the same time they were great strategists, warriors and independent.
It is believed that their domestication began around 3800 BC.
They have also been related to the world of witchcraft and occultism for that reason have come down to our days the beliefs of the seven or nine lives of the cat or that black cats are a bad omen.
The cat is a carnivorous and mammalian feline and they are the second pet in the world because besides being an excellent companion in moments when we need to be calm, they are also able to provide comfort and reduce our stress with their purr since they are able to perceive our moods and are affected by our feelings. They are animals that can spend 70% of their time sleeping and another 15% grooming.
There are more than 50 different cat breeds. Their average life span is around 14 – 16 years. They have great flexibility and agility so they are able to jump up to 3 meters high and it is said that they always land on their feet. They are related to large feline predators with which they share their slender and agile body, fangs and retractable claws. On the other hand, they are nocturnal animals, with a high energetic wear, and we see that they present a peak of hyperactivity in the evenings where they are able to run around the house “racing” from one end of the house to the other.
Cats express themselves through meowing with people and not so much with other cats. In this way they can convey a lot of information about their emotional state. The main sounds made by the cat are meowing, purring, chattering, cries of pain, cries of threat, snorting and spitting, howling and the sexual calls of the male and female, although they can also indicate that they are hungry or thirsty, that they want to play, that they are afraid or anxious or that they want to leave or enter the house.
Knowing how to identify the type of sound emitted by cats allows veterinarians to know if it is a vocalization typical of the breed, if the animal is in heat, if it is in pain or what its mood is, among other things.
If your cat looks for you when you come home, if he sleeps with you, if he seeks your affection and company, if he squints his eyes when you say nice things to him, if he purrs with you and/or loves you, if he asks you to play with him and if he shows you his belly.
Congratulations, you’re a good cat owner!