There are more than 10,000 species of birds in the world, most but not all of which can fly. The most common include waterfowl, landbirds, psittacids, passerines, and diurnal and nocturnal raptors.
One of the main characteristics of birds is that their forelimbs have evolved into wings that allow them to fly, they have a horny beak without teeth, they lay eggs and have a body covered with feathers instead of hairs that make them waterproof, help them fly and help them regulate their temperature.
Birds for their versatility in size and weight, for the beauty of their plumage, for their sociability with humans, for their intelligence to learn tricks and talk in some cases, make it one of the favorite pets of many people, so it is very common to come to the clinic with birds as varied as canaries, parakeets, diamonds, chickens and nymphs to macaws, cockatoos, Amazons, macaws, eclectus or eclectus among many others.
Since they are “prey” animals, they do not show any symptoms of disease until they are no longer able to mask it, so they often arrive at the clinic in precarious conditions.
Small boxes with ventilation holes or dog and cat carriers can be used for transporting birds. You can even use the cage itself covered with a sheet or towel to prevent the animal from being frightened and hitting itself. In addition, the transport with the cage itself allows the veterinarian to evaluate the environment in which the bird lives and the behavior of the bird in the same clinic.
Most bird species feed in the wild on seeds, fruits, plants and shoots, … and occasionally on insects. In captivity, it is currently recommended to feed them with formulated feed, supplemented with fruits and vegetables. Compared to seed mixes, these feeds are usually lower in fat, higher in protein and supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Fruits, vegetables and legumes should be varied and should be offered daily, bearing in mind that there are some that are toxic, such as avocado, onions, garlic and leeks.